Services for juridical persons
We provide buying and selling of webmoney (web money) to juridical persons in the amount of services to physical persons. Replenishment of wm purses is made by bank transfer, transfer webmoney to purses (WMZ, WMR) is made in shortest period (as a rule, it takes one working day) and is accompanied by a complete set of accounting documents.
Input - replenishment of your purse (buying WM) in cash;
If you live in the Czech Republic or you are on a business trip and you have a need to replenish your purse WebMoney for cash. We are pleased to provide such a service. You can also cash out webmoney for any commodity currency.
Output from your purse (selling WM) for cash;
If you live in the Czech Republic or you are on a business trip and you have a need to cash out your WebMoney. We are pleased to provide such a service. You can also replenish your WebMoney purse for any commodity currency.
Input - replenishment of your purse (buying WM) cashless from a bank account;
Output from your purse (selling WM) cashless to a bank account;
Input - replenishment of your purse (buying WM) W.e.s.t.e.r.n.U.n.i.o.n;
Output from your purse (selling WM) through W.e.s.t.e.r.n.U.n.i.o.n;
W.e.s.t.e.r.n.U.n.i.o.n - WebMoney
Commission 9,99%WebMoney - W.e.s.t.e.r.n.U.n.i.o.n
Commission 9,99%Input - replenishment of your purse (buying WM) by WM-card (Paymer check);
Output from your purse (selling WM) to WM-card (Paymer check);
Juridical side of the issue
Titlesigns of WebMoney Transfer - it is dematerialized securities. Electronic money are held in accounting, as ordinary securities - such as bills. Accordingly, you can pay for goods / services in the same way as any other conventional securities. All transactions of purchase and sale of electronic money (WMR, WMZ) on our part are confirmed by the Acts of reception and transmission necessary for accounting.
You draw up an application, which is an application to the Agreement. On the basis of Application an invoice for payment is formed. After paying the bill and the implementation of the application are formed reporting documents, which, if necessary, we will send you by mail.
How to order the documents
It is necessary to write a letter on company letterhead, to give it the number of outgoing post, to sign and to press a blue stamp. You should send a scan-copy of this letter to the address:
Version of the text letter № 1
Please provide monthly original documents on performed transactions of purchase and sale of title signs of electronic payment systems for [company name] at the address: Praha, PSC 186 00, Pobřežní 370/4.
Version of the text letter № 2
Please provide original documents on the account № [account number] dated [date of account] at the address: Praha, PSC 186 00, Pobřežní 370/4.
We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.
NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of WebMoney Transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of WebMoney Transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by WebMoney Transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.