Czech WebMoney office (Input-Output)

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Verified WebMoneyVerified WebMoneyWe accept WebMoney

Get a passport

Personal and initial certificates are issued by our partner :
Registrar Syedyshev Oleg WMID : 981434194552

Kinds of WebMoney passports

All WebMoney system is very diverse, but at the same time it is clearly structured. Yes, WebMoney Transfer members can get any cpassport from the program of WM-verification of the following types:

Alias Passport:is issued free of charge to every member of the WebMoney Transfer system automatically during registration, but only after receiving a WMID. All data specified by the user-alias is not checked, it will be specified in the passport that the information has not been verified and has been recorded from the words of the passport holder.
Changing of personal information is easily done through the program WM Keeper (menu item "Tools | Information about myself") or on the web-site WebMoney Transfer verification system.

Formal passportis issued free of charge to all participants in the system of WebMoney Transfer on the web-site of verification center, but after entering personal (passport) data, which are also not checked. Formal passport owners have access to the service Banking WebMoney Transfer *, which allows:

* but here the access to the replenishment system of R-purse through the bank payments provides only after the procedure of the purse authorization and after checking personal data of the owner in Guarantee Agency Ltd.

The owner of formal passport has an opportunity to get a debit card and use it to withdraw funds from the system. All the owners of formal passport can post information about themselves on the service

Initial Passportis issued to those members of the system of WebMoney Transfer, who have already received a formal passport, but only after checking their personal (passport) data by one of the Agents - the participant of partnership program of the Center. The price depends on chosen assessor, but it cannot be less than 1 WMZ. Owner of the initial passport receives additional possibilities in the system:

Personal passportis a main passport in the system of WebMoney Transfer. It is issued to a participant of WebMoney Transfer system, who has already received formal or initial passport after checking his(her) personal (passport) data by Registrar - the participant of partnership program of the Center. The price of the passport is varied, at least 5 WMZ, and depends on the chosen Registrar. The owner of the personal passport in the system has the following possibilities:

Merchant passport is issued free of charge to a participant of WebMoney Transfer system, who has already received personal passport, automatically during acceptance "Merchant agreement" on the web-site of the service Merchant WebMoney Transfer.
Merchant passport - is a form of personal passport and endowed with all its features without any restrictions.

Capitaller passport can be issued free of charge to the owner of personal passport after his (her) registration of new e-budget with the Capitaller.
Capitaller passport - is a form of personal passport and endowed with all its features without any restrictions.

Developer passportcan be issued free of charge to the owner of personal passport who creates software on the basis of WebMoney Transfer technology by request of WebMoney Transfer or together with experts of WebMoney Transfer. To obtain the passport applicant must contact the technical support of the WebMoney system via email. The letter should elaborate on the following questions:

Developer passport is a form of personal passport and endowed with all its features without any restrictions.

Registrar passportis the highest by status among passport issued to the participants in the system WebMoney Transfer. Registrar passport can get only the owner of the personal passport and only after a personal meeting with a representative of the verification center in Moscow to sign the "Contract of delegation for Registrar" with the system operator of WM Transfer Ltd. and making guarantee fee of 2000 WMZ. Requirement for receiving Registrar passport is participation in partnership program of Verification Center to issue initial and personal passports. The owner of Registrar passport may participate in the arbitration service as an arbitrator.

WebMoney Transfer system has also special passports, issued to services and guarantors of the of Webmoney Transfer. Among such passports are:
1.WMT Service WM-Passport;
2.WMT Guarantor WM-Passport;
3.WMT Operator WM-Passport.
In principle, we do not need all these passports so we won't regard them as previous.

We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.

NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of WebMoney Transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of WebMoney Transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by WebMoney Transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.