Registrar Syedyshev Oleg WMID : 981434194552

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about certification
Is it possible to receive a passport by a citizen of another country?Yes, of course.
What is the better passport - personal or initial?It all depends on the purposes for which you plan to use the received passport. But, of course, personal passport has more advantages than the initial one.
It gives a greater degree of confidence from the other participants in the system. It provides access to all services of the system, which includes to allow automation of receiving funds from partners with the use of interfaces of the service Merchant WebMoney, to create credit purses and participate in the work of credit exchange, moreover it allows to participate in arbitration service and many other services, which are not available for the owners of initial passports. And one more thing, all owners of the personal passport have the possibility of cooperation with WebMoney system within the existing services in the system that allows you to earn money on partnership.
How long does it take to issue initial or personal passport?The meeting in the Registrar's office lasts maximally 10-15 minutes. It includes short interview and filling the application. Then the Registrar will check the information, noticed in your written and electronic applications. If everything is correct, there will be no claims - the passport will be issued.
Do you provide the issuance of the passports under the notarized documents?We do not issue passports under the notarized documents. Personal meeting between applicant and registrar is necessary.
How can I get a Merchant passport?You have to be an owner of the personal passport, and also you should have a web-site where you will receive WebMoney automatically through Merchant interface. Merchant passport is issued automatically and free of charge.
Algorithm of getting a Merchant passport is the following:
1.Get the personal passport.
2.Make a request on registration of your web-site in Megastock catalogue. To do this enter www.megastock.ru in section "add the resource" and follow the instructions. If you intend to obtain the Merchant passport but for some reasons do not want to publish your web-site in Megastock, application still need to be submited (during the registration you will be able to ban it).
3.Wait for the processing of your application by a moderator. About the result you will be notified via e-mail and internal WMKeeper-mail. Merchant passport is a form of personal passport and endowed with all its features without any restrictions.
Can I get a personal passport immediately by passing the initial one?Yes, you can.
May the passport be issued by a minor applicant?If the applicant who did not reach the age of eighteen (adulthood), has the passport, he can get a WebMoney passport. However there is one condition - on the interview an applicant must be with one of his (her) parents, who will sign the statement that he (she) is not against the activity of a child.
Can I pay for the passport by any other way except WM?WebMoney system provides automatic procedure of paying the applications, directly from Z-purse of applicant to Z-purse of verification Center, that's why there is no other way of paying. But there is the way out: as a rule, you can replenish a purse through the chosen Registrar and by the necessary amount of WMZ.
The purse is blocked, how can I pay for application on getting the passport?Write a request to unlock you to pay for the passport to Arbitration. You purses will be opened the possibility to make outgoing transactions for paying the passport.
We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.
NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of WebMoney Transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of WebMoney Transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by WebMoney Transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.