Registrar Syedyshev Oleg WMID : 981434194552

Webmoney passport - partnership program
If you think about it, it turns out that earning is able with the help of verification activity of Webmoney.
Webmoney provides two variants for partnership program: Registrars and Agents.
Agent - is the one who has a personal passport entitling him to issue initial passports. It is not difficult to become an Agent, there are only two steps:
- Sign "The contract of delegation" on the web-site of the Verification Center;
- Make a guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ.
A guarantee fee in the amount of 100 WMZ is the key to the operations of Agent and will be returned after the attestation activity of the last one, if the Verification Center will not have any claims to him in terms of reliability of data sent to a secondary inspection. If the Agent violates the rules of verification outlined in "Rules for verification", the guarantee fee will not be refunded.
The Agent who got the right to issue initial passports is included to the registry of Webmoney system.
The Agent states by himself the price on getting initial passports, but not less than 1 WMZ. He has the right to refuse to issuing them if provided documents violate the "Rules for verification".
The Agent's income for checking of personal data and issuance of the initial passport will be 50% from the cost of initial passport.
Algorithm of getting the reward is the following:
- One hundred percent prepayment for receiving the initial passport of applicant.
- Transfer of all the documents received from the applicant (application, copies of passport) after the issuance of passport to a secondary inspection for secondary check to specialist is charged 25% of the installed cost of the initial passport.
- Sending documents to Verification Center for final inspection and storage, for which the Centre takes the last 25%.
- After all this an Agent can withdraw earned funds.
Registrars - are those who possess registrar passports and have the right to issue initial and personal passports. Only the owner of the personal passport can apply for registrar passport and only after a personal meeting with a representative of the verification center in Moscow to sign the "Agency Agreement" with the system operator of WM Transfer Ltd. and making guarantee fee in the amount of 2,000 WMZ. Business Level (BL) of registrar applicant should not be less than 100 and at least one year should pass from the moment of registration in the system.
All Registrars are included in a special electronic registry of Webmoney system.
Each Registrar determines the cost to obtain personal passport by himself (but not less than 5 WMZ), and has the right to refuse to issuing them if the provided documents are with violations of existing agreements.
In addition, Registrars may conduct a secondary inspection of initial passports issued by Agents (remuneration for secondary verification of initial passport is 25% from the cost).
Registrar is charged a fee of 25% from the stated cost of the passport for the issuance of the personal passport. The remaining 25% is the commission of Verification Center.
We do not regard offers of illegal payments and illegal methods of work. Please do not come with such requests and do not write us about it.
NOTICE OF RISKS. Offered goods and services are not provided in order of a person or enterprise, who exploit the system of WebMoney Transfer. We are an independent organization providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises who exploit system of WebMoney Transfer, do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participation in providing services and does not bear any responsibility for our actions. Verification which was done by WebMoney Transfer, only confirms our contact details and identity. It is performed at our request, and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.